Sheldon and Geni's 2019 out west
Today is: October 8
We woke up in: Albuquerque, NM We're going to sleep in: Albuquerque, NM

Set the alarm to wake up early and shoot the first balloons to rise. Then we went over to the field and it was an amazing site, the pictures do not do it justice. All kinds of shapes and lots of them. We also went to an area where they were demonstrating chain saw carving. Saw some great work there. The activities start early and by about 10:30, the area was emptying out. We did manage to sweet talk them into staying one more night so we will see the fireworks.

Geni: This was really something to see. We pulled ourselves out of bed and saw a couple of balloons from the camper. Then we rushed over to the grounds to watch the balloons take off. There were not a lot of people, so we were able to be real close to the action, watching them blow up the balloons, set them afloat and also watch them land. It was a beautiful site. We missed what was going on at the RV site, where some landed, but you can't be at two places at one time. Tomorrow there is supposed to be some kind of activity not to be missed, so we'll head back to the grounds again. During the week there are no activities in the afternoon or evening, but Thursday there will be, so we are able to stay another day. Today the crowd was at a minimum compared to the weekend, so it is working out pretty well. Towards evening we ate a great restaurant - Mexican - El Bruno and walked around Old Albuquerque for a little while.

First balloon from our campground

A few were going up as the sun rose

So many different sizes and shapes

Starting to come back down

Deflating the baloon

Chain saw art work - watched them for a while - great work

Flight simulator where I did well until I killed everyone on landing

Our view when we first came onto the field

They just kept going into the air